HOA Property Managers: Providing Professional Expertise to Homeowners Associations

HOA Property Managers: Providing Professional Expertise to Homeowners Associations

As of 2021, 29% of American citizens live in an HOA. That translates to 74 million people living in 358,000 HOA neighborhoods nationwide.

It's undeniable that homeowner's associations benefit neighborhoods and residents. All those perks and well-maintained amenities come from excellent administration. However, managing an HOA in Austin is difficult.

Many communities and condo boards have too many responsibilities. They hire HOA property managers to make running their association easier.

A property manager's job is more complex than simplifying HOA operations. Keep reading to explore the specific perks of hiring an HOA property manager.

Property Maintenance

An HOA property manager's duties are largely administrative. But they have the expertise needed to handle daily community maintenance. This day-to-day upkeep includes:

  • Maintaining the grounds and gates
  • Upkeep for shared buildings and amenities
    • includes clubhouses, meeting halls, pools, and gyms

Part of their job is ensuring these areas are clean and safe for residents. The property manager can ask contractors for quotes for special projects. They'll hire HVAC services and pest control when needed.

You can hire a manager to deal with prominent staff members. They will be the ones to speak with about lawn care and building maintenance.

Handle Unpopular Duties

The HOA board's job is to enforce community living standards. This may include individual grounds upkeep and housing or fence paint color.

One reason why people dislike HOAs is because they get fined for non-adherence to these rules.

These situations can be stressful and uncomfortable because board members are residents. HOA managers can handle the less popular types of services - like enforcing fines and penalties.

You remove the awkwardness of board members penalizing neighbors. The property management company will handle the dispute and can handle disagreements.

Legal Matters and Finance

Property management companies can help HOAs when dealing with Austin real estate. This is because HOAs closely connect to real estate markets due to association neighborhoods having great property values.

HOA managers will understand the finer points of real estate, including:

  • Legalities
  • Accounting
  • Bookkeeping
  • Finances

The manager will also understand real estate trends and how to attract homeowners to the neighborhood. Understand that the property manager won't come in to take over the entire HOA.

Some people fear this happening, but a manager's job isn't to replace the board. They're there to help when needed.

For example, the manager can help plan a budget. Yet the HOA board has the final say on funding allocations and projects.

Why Finding Skilled HOA Property Managers Matters

Maintaining an HOA can be tough. Hiring skilled HOA property managers makes it easier to run your neighborhood association.

Managers can handle property maintenance and unpleasant work, like giving penalties and fines. A property manager can also advise on Austin real estate, bookkeeping, and budgetary matters.

But how do you find someone willing to do these types of services? PMI Silicon Hills can help.

We're a locally owned and operated property management company willing to help with your HOA and real estate needs. Contact us today to make the most of our managerial abilities.
