The benefits of a centralized community bulletin board

The benefits of a centralized community bulletin board
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Does your community have a bulletin board that’s in a convenient and centralized location? It’s a great way to bring a community together and help foster positive connections between residents. A good location for a bulletin board would be a place that residents frequently walk by, like entrances and exits to buildings or neighborhoods. Here are some benefits of adding a centralized bulletin board to your Single Family, Master Planned, Townhome or Condominium community in the Austin area.

It’s a great way to communicate with community members

At PMI Silicon Hills, we have a number of awesome high-tech solutions to help your association be more successful. This includes an online portal that provides board members and homeowners with a way to communicate effectively with real-time access to a wide range of community information. It’s one of the many ways we offer the best in community management services. That said, low-tech solutions, such as bulletin boards, can also be effective community-building tools that supplement what you’re offering online. Decorate a corner of your community’s bulletin board with your name and contact information and some fun facts about you and board members. Residents will see it and start to think of you, your community manager and your fellow board members as people they know and are more likely to be comfortable reaching out to you. Maintain the bulletin board so that it has new information regularly.

It’s an effective method for advertising community events

Community events can help build ties among residents and help your community thrive. Even if it’s just a mixer, consider some type of event at least once per quarter. Advertise these events online and on your bulletin board. The global pandemic has undoubtedly made in-person events more challenging. Offering virtual events can help keep the community spirit going. Consider a virtual book club, for example, or a community Q&A session. Community events don’t have to be costly or elaborate to be extremely effective in fostering connections between community members and strengthening the overall community. Consider asking your members if there are events they would like to see in their area, such as a parent of toddlers meet and greet, a scavenger hunt or a walking/hiking group. In the spring and summer, outdoor events, such as outdoor movie nights, can be a great idea. Check out this Austin events website for some inspiration.

It can reinforce who community members can count on

At PMI Silicon Hills, we can make it easy to know who to contact by assigning your community its own manager who knows community members and can assist with your management needs. We’ve found that to be an important step toward a successful community. If you have a bulletin board, it can reinforce your community contact and help residents know who your manager is and how to reach them.

It can help bring members of your community together

It’s the most important and useful community-building aspect of a bulletin board. A bulletin board is a low-maintenance and no-pressure way that you can bring your community together without even requiring a meeting or conversation. Encourage the members of your community to put up fliers for things they are involved in or fliers from events around the community that they’re interested in. Of course, you’ll want to communicate bulletin board posting rules to all community members and regularly check the bulletin board to make sure that everything posted is G-rated and appropriate to a wide audience.

At PMI Silicon Hills, we can help you with a wide range of services designed to make your HOA or community association successful. Whether you need a bit of assistance or a lot, we understand that each community is unique and we customize our services to meet the needs of each community we manage. We provide professional community association management in the greater Austin metro and Hill Country areas of Texas. Whether your community needs a lot of assistance or just a bit, we can help. Call us at (737) 270-7700 to learn more about how we can help. We look forward to hearing from you!
